Summertime and the Living is Easy…

Summertime and the Living is Easy…

Now that school is out and everyone is either on vacation or planning one over the next 6-8 weeks, summer is a great time to tackle those landscape projects that may have not gotten done this past spring.     Perhaps the planting beds have gotten overgrown...
Landscape Plantings and Weed Control

Landscape Plantings and Weed Control

So this year it seems more like May showers will bring June flowers! But I’m definitely not complaining…only thing I am complaining about is all the darn weeds that seem to pop up overnight with the unusual weather we have had this spring. So as a friendly...
Spring 2018-When Will It Get Here?

Spring 2018-When Will It Get Here?

Yes many of you are probably asking the question: When will spring get here already? I know I am 🙂 Especially with the warm temps we have been experiencing in New England this February but we all know that March can surprise us so we still have a few more weeks to...
Winter 2018 Anticipating an Early Spring

Winter 2018 Anticipating an Early Spring

Our crews are winding down with our last day of holiday lighting take downs and we wanted to sincerely thank not only our Christmas Decor clients but also our seasonal landscape customers for your continued patronage. We’ve really enjoyed working with you last year to...
End of Season- See You in 2018

End of Season- See You in 2018

Here at Christmas Décor by Picture Perfect Landscape, we pride ourselves on making our community’s holiday a magical season. We are so proud to serve our great community of Hebron, Connecticut. As the New Year approaches, we wanted to share our gratitude and to thank...
Holiday Tree Lighting and Community Events…

Holiday Tree Lighting and Community Events…

This time of year many towns have special events usually planned starting Thanksgiving weekend continuing into the first weekends of December to celebrate the season. Whether it’s a grand holiday tree lighting or smaller event to bring the community together, a...
21 Days until Christmas…

21 Days until Christmas…

Hard to believe but in 3 weeks Christmas will be upon us once again. Because it falls on a Monday this year, that means 3 more shopping weekends for those of us that haven’t even started shopping yet 🙂 It also means at least 2 and a half more weeks of lighting...
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